How do I complain?
You can make a complaint directly to your dentist or any member of the practice team, either verbally or in writing.
Alternatively, you can contact independent bodies directly to raise your concerns. Contact information for these bodies can be found in our complaint’s leaflets.
How can I raise my concern or feedback?
Verbal and/or in person
A verbal complaint can be made in person or via telephone, the complaint will be immediately logged by the member of the team you talk to, and we will try and resolve your concerns at the time. If appropriate, the Practice Manager will discuss your complaint with you to try and resolve the situation. As all of our dentists operate as independent practitioners, any complaint concerning clinical care will be immediately passed to your treating clinician, who will be available to discuss and resolve your concerns.
Written or Email
You can make a complaint in writing or via email for the attention of the Practice Manager or the dentist, and it will be handled as outlined below.
Complaints leaflets and further information
For a copy of our complaints leaflet which outlines our process and core principles, or for information of how to escalate your complaint should you wish to, please download our complaints leaflet for more information.